
Bulletin Board Design by Linda Van Noord

“Don’t it always seem to go
That you don’t know what you’ve got til its gone”    Big Yellow Taxi, Counting Crows

Because of social distancing concerns, our church has had to cancel our Friendship Club for this fall, and we’re very much missing our meetings.  We sing, pray, learn Bible stories, enjoy snack, and make crafts together.  It’s a place where everyone’s talents are appreciated, whether it’s in leadership, art, music, or crafts. We have been meeting since 1991.

At Friendship, we listen to each other’s concerns, joys and sorrows, and care for each other as unique personalities.  For Helen, the year was always just a prelude for the really important day – her “birt’day,” as in “my birt’day’s tum’n up!”  She began this reminder immediately after each birthday to keep us on track for the next year.  Randy was our drummer and always got a starring role when we sang The Little Drummer Boy.  Roy’s favourite song was “What A Friend We Have in Jesus” and he once waved off my hovering assistance for his reading at a Christmas program as if swatting off a fly, which made everyone laugh.  Keith has a delightfully droll British sense of humour.  Frankie was always interested in politics and local events, so we dubbed him “Mr. Mayor.”  Peter faithfully reminded us twice-yearly to change our clocks.  David may be unable to speak, but he understands everything and can write down what he needs to communicate for prayer requests.  Marjory would ask about our loved ones, “how’s yo honey?”    Tracey loves to make art.

Though we are from a variety of different church backgrounds, we just all love Jesus.  We’ve seen God provide for our needs and answer our prayers, unconventional though they may be.   This includes petitions for a sick horse, new porch steps, various digestive and other ailments not normally mentioned in polite company. The horse recovered, instead of porch steps the petition was answered with a whole new place to live, and our intercessory prayers for healing were heard.  There’s an honesty and simplicity about the group that is very attractive.   At Friendship we can see that each person is important to God, that he values them just as they are. 

So we’re praying that we soon may meet together again, that all of us will stay well, that even in this time of isolation we see God always has a good plan for each of us, that our circle may soon come together again to join in enthusiastic singing.

(Originally published on The Junction and Friendship websites, with revisions.)

Bulletin Design, Linda Van Noord