
Photo by Sandra Harrop

It’s been a year of milestones – my  husband’s 75th birthday, our 50th anniversary, and my 70th birthday.  We celebrated with one big summer festivity for all these special occasions, which included a dress-formal dinner with the family, and a fun outing at the water park the next day.

When we look back over the years, it does seem as if we began marriage as such starry-eyed innocents, in a simpler time.  There were long days of hard work, times when money was tight on a single income, and prospects seemed bleak.

Our love for each other stood the test of time, overcoming trials that sometimes pushed us to our limits. We received the blessing of children, whose presence enriched our lives. Although their time at home accounted for only half of our years together, those days now seem like a fleeting, vibrant blur.

Our family and friends journeyed alongside us, sharing in our everyday lives. Supported by a loyal community, we united in worship of a great God who rescued, healed, and led us into new places of hope and light.  And there we welcomed opportunities to stretch our skills in service.

Meanwhile, we witnessed the invention of technologies beyond our wildest dreams. I remember learning to type on a manual typewriter and duplicating church bulletins on Gestetner machines, taking notes as announcements came in. The idea of having information at our fingertips, instant messaging, and accessing resources on the internet seemed like science fiction. Yet, today, we communicate with loved ones far away using Skype or FaceTime.

As this year draws to a close, my heart overflows with gratitude. While the future remains unseen, the years have shown us that Someone always paved the way ahead, fought battles for us, and walked with us on our pilgrimage. Even in challenging times, we trust that the God who brought us this far will continue to be our guide and guardian, providing all we need as our journey continues.

Waterworks Park Path


Waterworks Park Bridge